China smartphone banned in india

Will China's smartphones be banned

On 29 June 2020, the Government of India has banned many applications of China in India, that is you will not be able to do all these applications in India.
There are so much country are banned to china product so may be india has been deside to stop selling china product in what are the advantage and disadvantages?

Will China's smartphones be banned in India in the coming times?
-Talk about how the ban on any technical and electronic goods comes as prescribed by the Government of India's Ministry of Electronic and Informatics Technology
-which in start in 2016

-some time ago biggest contry banned huawei smart phone so may be india also banned smartphone in india
-So huawai company stop to manufacturing 5G phone.

We have a 2 choies And what will be its advantages and disadvantages
1.If smartphone not banned in india
2.If smartphone banned in india

•First we talk to if smartphone not banned in india.
-If smart phones are not banned in India, you may have to pay more tax.

•secound we talk if smart phone banned in india
-As you know, in the country like America, Italy has banned Huawei's smart phone.
-you have to not able to use google application ex..facebook, youtub........
-You will lose your phone warranty.

That is, if you take a product of China, you can get lost in it.

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