SSD vs HDD- which is best for you?


Hello ! Friends . In our day to day life we are surrounded with too many gadgets. We are using laptops in our daily routine life. When we go to purchase a new best laptop or pc  for us.  We are confused in laptops. In processor, display, ram, quality and storage.

Ssd vs hdd,speed of ssd vs hdd

In this blog we discussion about the storage devices. When we buy a new laptop or PC we get two options with a high storage HDD or fast performance SSD .

Let we will discuss about the who is better in HDD or SSD.

SSD is coming with a fast and powerful performance. Because this device parts are not movable. There for this device is long lasting life compare to HDD. SSD is a silent device .they don't make noise in the laptop.
Its maximum capacity is 70° c too endure ,it better than the HDD. The SSD are good but the come with low storage and high price.

Should we buy this SSD????
YES, If you are making graphic design, video editing, heavy programming or high gaming and multitasking then you go for a SSD.

If you have a SSD and you need a more space in your laptop or PC then you buy a external HDD. 


HDD is coming with a slow performance if you compare with a SSD. Because there parts are moving when you working on laptop or PC. Cause of there average life is max. 7 years. HDD is making some noise if you  listening properly but this is not a big problem. It maximum capacity is 55°c too endure. But it is come with a high storage at low price.

Should we buy this HDD?
YES, if your work is light, as like study projects, programming, Normal gaming, multimedia and web browsing etc...

My opinion is you want to buy a SSD . because its average life is more than the HDD. If you need more space then you buy a external drive.

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